Every parent is happy when their children learn something new, especially if it has a positive impact on their growth and development. Your home isn't the best environment for this and that's why you should look for a good day care facility for your child. You should be careful when choosing a day care to ensure you choose one that boosts the growth and development of your child. A good child care facility should create the environment that your child needs to learn, play and laugh. It's also a safe place that helps your child to learn and gain important skills and explore the world around them. An accredited day care centre is good for your child in these ways:

Social Skills

Children who go to a day care facility early learn social skills early. The emotional and social skills they develop usually help them to enjoy the world around them more. They learn how to socialise with other children and mingle with the teachers and other adults in that environment. It's easier for a child to develop social skills if they are exposed to them early. Your child will learn how to relate well with their peers, find ways to solve problems that arise and understand other children's emotions. Respect for others, kindness, working together and sharing are some of the important values that children who go to a good child care centre learn.


As a parent, you should assess if the day care centre's program has a routine and structure that will instil discipline in your child. Most parents choose a child care facility with routine and structure that gives their kids a sense of familiarity and stability every day. A good program has set schedules for naps, snack time, games and other activities. Such a routine teaches your child what they should do first and what should follow. This way, your child learns how to manage their time and remain consistent with their schedules.

Cognitive Skills

The learning games and other activities in a day care centre help your child to develop cognitive skills. Kids in most reputable child care facilities learn numbers, colours and language skills. Children in day care centres explore the world and engage in various play-activities through their curiosity. This way, they develop thinking skills and enjoy different learning exercises.

The time your child spends in a good child care centre is worth the money you pay. Besides creating an environment to socialise with other kids and enjoy hours of fun, a day care centre leaves your child with valuable skills. It's also a safe environment that nurtures and prepares your child for school and the life beyond it. Take these tips into consideration when looking for a day care for your child. 
